A aback abate abdomen abduct aberration abide abiding abject ablaze abnormal abnormality aboriginal abort abortive abound abrasive abreast absentee absorbing abstain abstinence abstraction abundance abundant abyss AC acceleration accelerator accentuate accolade accompaniment accomplice accomplishment accordance accordion accountancy accredit accrue accumulation accused accustom accustomed achiever acid rain acknowledgement acne acquaint acrimonious acronym acrylic activate actuality acupuncture acutely AD adamant adaptable adaptation added addictive additionally additive adept adhesive ad hoc adjacent adjective adjoin adjourn adjustable admittedly adolescence adorable adorn adrenalin adrift adultery advancement advantageous advent adventurer adventurous adversary adversity advisable advocacy aerial aerobics aerosol aesthetics affable affectionate affidavit affinity affirmative affirmative action affluent affordable affront afield afloat afoot aforementioned Afro Afro-Caribbean aft after-hours after-school age group age of consent age-old aggravate aggressor aggrieved agile agitate AGM agonizing agrarian agreeable agreed aground ailing ailment aimless air base airborne air-conditioned air-conditioning aircraft carrier airliner airfield airman air power air raid airship air strike airstrip air traffic controller airwaves airy aisle aka. akin alas alcove ale algae alias alibi alight alignment Allah all-American allay allegiance allergic alleviate alley alleyway alligator allot allotment all-out alloy all-rounder all-star all-time allude allure allusion almighty almond aloft aloof aloud alphabet alpine alright altar altitude alumnus Alzheimer's Disease amalgam amalgamate amass amber ambience ambivalent amenity American football amiable amicable amino acid ammonia amphetamine amphibious amplifier amplify amputate amuse amused amusement anaemia anaesthetic anal analogue analogy analytical anarchic anarchist anarchy anathema anatomy ancestral ancestry anchorage anchovy anecdotal anecdote anew angina angling anguish angst angular anguished animal rights animosity annex annihilate announcer annoy annoyance annoyed annoying annuity anomaly anorak anorexia answering machine ant antagonism antagonist antagonize Antarctic ante antenna anthem anthology anthropology anticipation antics antidote antipathy antiquated antiquity anti-Semitism antiseptic antisocial antitrust anyhow anytime apathy ape aperture aphid apiece apocalypse apocalyptic apologetic appalling apparatus apparel appealing appease appellation appendix applicable appointee appraisal appraise appreciative apprehend apprehensive apprentice apprenticeship apricot apron aptitude aqua aquarium aquatic arbiter arbitrage arbitrary arbitration arc arcade arcane archaic arched archetype arctic ardent arduous arguably aria arid aristocracy aristocrat arithmetic ark armament armchair armoury armpit arms race A-road aroma aromatherapy aromatic arrears arsenal arson artefact art form artful artichoke artificial intelligence artisan artwork asbestos ascent ascendant ascend ascertain ascribe ashore ashtray asking price asparagus aspen aspirin aspiring assail assailant assassin assembly line assent assertive assessor assiduous assimilate assorted assortment asteroid astonish astonished astonishment astounded astounding astral astray astringent astrologer astrology astronaut astute atheist atlas atmospheric atop atrocious attain attainment attentive attest attic Attorney General attributable attrition aubergine auctioneer audacious audible audition auditor auditorium augment au pair aura aural auspices Aussie authoritarian authoritative autobiographical autocratic autograph automate automotive autopsy auxiliary avail avalanche avant-garde avenge averse aversion avid avocado avoidance avowed awaken awash awe awesome awfully awhile axis axle aye B BA babble babe babysit backbencher backbone backdrop backer backfire backlash backlog back room backside backstage backup backwater backyard bad debt badger badge badly off badminton baffle baggage baggy bailiff baker bakery baking balance of payment balance of power balance sheet balding bale balk ballad ballast ballerina ball game ballistic ballot box ballroom balm bamboo banal bandage bandit bandwagon banish banjo bank bank account bank holiday banknote banquet banter baptism barbarian barbaric barbecue barbed barbed wire barber barefoot baritone barley barman barometer baron baroque barrage barren barring barter baseline base rate basics basil basilica basis point bask bastion baton battered battleground battleship bawl bay leaf bayonet bazaar BC beacon bead beak bear bearer bearing beaten-up beater beat-up beaver beckon bed and breakfast bedding bedrock bedside bedtime beet beetle beetroot befall befit beforehand befriend beggar behavioural behind-the-scenes behold beige belated belch beleaguered belie believable believer belittle belligerent bellow belongings bemoan bemused benchmark benefactor beneficiary benevolent benign bequeath berate bereaved bereavement bereft berth beret beset best man bestow best seller best-selling betrayal betting shop beverage beware bewildered bewilderment biased biblical bibliography bicker big business big city big deal big fish big money big name big time biker bikini bile bilingual billboard billionaire billow bimbo binary binder binge bingo binoculars biochemical biochemistry biodiversity biographer biographical biosphere biotechnology bipartisan birch birth control birthplace birth rate bisexual biz blackberry blackboard blackcurrant blacken black hole blackmail black market blackness blackout black pepper black smith bladder blah blanch blare blasphemy blatant blazer bleach bleep blemish blessed blight blindfold blinding blip bliss blissful blister blistering blithe blitz blizzard bloated blob blockage blockbuster bloodshed bloodstream blood test blood vessel blot blouse bludgeon bluebell blue chip blueprint bluff blunder blurt blush bluster boar boarding school boardroom boating bode body language bogey bogged down boggle bogus bohemian boiler boisterous bombard bombshell bona fide bonanza bondage bondholder bone marrow bonfire bonnet bony boo boogie bookcase bookie bookmaker bookseller bookshelf bookshop bookstore boon booster booth bootleg booze borderline boredom bosom botanical botany botch bottom line boulder boulevard bouncer bouncing bouncy bounty bouquet bourbon bourgeois bourgeoisie boutique bow bower boyhood boyish bra bracelet bracket brag braid brainchild bran brandish brand name brandy brash brasserie brat bravado bravery brawl brazen bread and butter breadcrumb breadth breakaway breaker breastfeed breathing space breathless breathtaking breezy brethren brewer brewery bribery bridal bridesmaid bridle briefcase brigadier brighten brill brim bristle brittle broaden broccoli broke broken broken-down brokerage bronze medal brood brooding brook broom broth brothel brother-hood bother-in-law brow brownie browse bruising brunt brutality brute BS BSc bubbly buckle Buddha Buddhism Buddhist budding buddy budge budgerigar budgetary buff buffalo buffer buffet buggy building block building site built built-in bulge bulimia bulkhead bulky bulldozer bullish bum bumper bumpy bun bungalow bungle bunk bunny buoy buoyant burgeon burger burglar burglary burgundy burial burly burner burnt-out burrow bursting bushel bushy busily businesslike businesswoman bus stop bustle butch butcher butler butt buttock buttress buyout buzzer by-election bygone by-product bystander C cabaret cabbie cache cactus caddie cadet cadre cafeteria caffeine cajole calamity calculating calculator calf calibre calling callous call-up calmly camcorder camel cameo cameraman camomile camouflage camped camper canary cancerous candid candidacy candlestick candy canister cannabis cannibal canny canoe canon canopy canteen canter canton canvass canyon caper capillary capitalize capital punishment capitulate capsize capsule captaincy captivate captivity captor caramel carat caravan carbon monoxide carcass cardboard cardiac cardigan cardiovascular carefree caress carer careless caretaker caricature carnage carnation carnivore carol carpenter carriageway cartilage carton cartoonist cartridge carving cascade case study cash flow cashier cashmere casserole caster sugar castigate casting cast iron cast-off castrate catalyst catalytic catapult cataract catastrophic catcher catching catchy categorical categorize caterpillar Catholicism catwalk Caucasian caucus cauldron cauliflower causeway caustic cautionary cave-in cavern cavernous caviar cavity CD player CD-ROM cedar cede celery celestial cellar cello cellular cellulite Celsius Celt censor censure centenary centennial centimetre central heating centralize centre-forward centrepiece centre stage centrist cerebral ceremonial cert. certify cervical cervix cessation cf. CFC chain reaction chalet chalk chamber of commerce champ Chancellor of Exchequer chandelier chaotic chaplain char characterization charade charcoal charged charger chariot charismatic charisma charmed charred chaser chasm chassis chateau chat show chatter chauffeur chauvinism check-in check-list checkout checkpoint check-up cheddar cheekbone cheeky cheerleader cheery chemotherapy cherish chestnut chevron chic chide Chief Constable Chief Justice chiefly chiffon child benefit childbirth childcare childish childless childlike chilling chilly chime chimney chimpanzee chisel chives chloride chlorine cholera chopper choral chore choreography christen Christmas card Christmas Eve Christmas tree chrome chromium chromosome chronicle chronological chrysanthemum chuckle chug chum chunky churchman churchyard churn CID cider cigar cinnamon circa circumvent citadel circumcise citation citizenship citrus city hall civil defence civilize civilized civil liberties clad civil service claimant clam clamber clamour clampdown clandestine clap claret clarinet clarity clasp classification classified classless classmate classy clatter claw cleanliness clearance clear-cut clear-up cleavage clematis clench clergy clergyman cleric clerical clich¨¦ clientele climatic climber clinician clipped clipper clipping clique cloak clobber clockwise clockwork clog clone close season closet close-up closing clot clothed cloudy clout clove clown clubhouse clump clumsy clutter c/o coal mine coaster coastguard coastline coating co-author coax cob cobalt cockney cockroach cocky cocoa coconut cod coded code of conduct code of practice coding coerce coercive coffee shop coffee table coffer cognac cognitive cohabit coherent cohesion coin cohesive cohort coincidentally coke Col. collaborate collaborative collaborator collage collate collateral collector collegiate collide colliery collusion cologne colon colonialism colonist colonize colossal colouring colour scheme colt coma comb combatant combative combustion comers comfortably comforting comical comic book commandant commander-in-chief commanding commando commemorative commence commend commendable commentate commercial bank commodore commoner common common market commonplace commotion commune communion communiqu¨¦ community centre community service compact disc companionship company car compartment compass compassionate compatriot competence compilation complementary complexion compliance complicate complicity complimentary composition composure comprehend comprehension compress compromising comptroller compulsion compulsive compute computer game comrade Con. conceit conceivable concentration camp conceptual concerted concerto conciliatory concise conclusive concoct concur concurrent condemned condense conditional condolence condominium condone condor conducive conduit cone confederate confer confessed confessional confide configuration confinement confirmed confiscate conformity confound confrontational congenial conger congested congestion conglomerate congratulations congregation congregate conifer conjecture conjure connoisseur connotation conqueror conquest conscientious conscript consecrate consequent conservationist conservatism conservatory considerate considered consign consignment consistency consort conspicuous conspirator conspire constabulary consternation constellation constipation constituent assembly constrain constrict construe consul consular consulate consultancy consultation consultative consumer goods consumerism consummate contact lens contagious containment contemptuous contented contentious contestant contingency continuation continuity continuum contour contraception contraceptive contraction contradict contractual contravene contrive contrived conundrum convenience convent converge converse converter convulsion coo cookbook cooker cookery cookie cooler co-operative co-ordination copious coral cordial cordon coriander cork cornerstone coronary coronation coroner corporal corrective corpus correlate correlation corroborate corrugated cortex cosmic cosmopolitan cosmos co-star cost-effective cost of living cot cotton wool council tax Count countdown countenance counteract counterattack counterfeit counter-productive Countess counting county club county house countryman county council coup d¨¦tat coupe coupling courageous courgette courteous courthouse courtier court-martial court of appeal courtroom courtship courtyard couture cove covenant covered covert cover-up cover version coveted coward coy crab cracked cracker cracking crackle cradle craftsmanship craftsman crafty cram crammed cramp cramped cranberry crank crass crate crater crave crayon craze crazed creak creamy crease cr¨¨che credence credentials creditable credit rating creed creek creepy cremate creole crescent crest crewman crib cricketer cricketing criminology crimson cringe crippling crisscross critique crocodile crony crooked croon cropped cross-border cross-examine crossover crossroads cross-section crossword crow Crown Prince Crucifixion crucify crude oil cruise missile cruiser crumb crumple crusade crust crusty crutch crypt cryptic crystal clear crystallize cub cubic cubicle cuckoo cucumber cuddle cuddly cuff cul-de-sac culinary cull culminate culprit cultivated cultured cumbersome cumulative cunning cup tie curate curator curly current account current affairs curry cursed curt curtail curved custard custodian customary customize cutback cute cutlery cut-price cutter cutting edge cut up CV cyanide cyclical cyclone cyclist cypress cyst cystic fibrosis D D.A. dab dabble daffodil daft dagger dahlia dainty daisy damning dampen damsel dance floor dandelion dandy darkened darken dangle darkroom darn dashboard dashing DAT database daughter-in-law daunting day care daydream day off daytime day trip dazed dazzle dazzling DC deacon dead end deadlock deadlocked deafen deafening dealership dean dearest dearly death penalty death rate death row death sentence death squad death toll debacle debatable debilitate debit debtor decadent deceased deceit deceive decency decentralize deception deceptive decidedly decimate decipher decompose deconstruct decor decoy deduce deed deep-seated de facto defective defer deference deficient defined deflate deflect deforest deform defraud deft defunct defuse degenerate degrade dehydrate deity delete deliberation delicacy delinquent delirious delta deluge delusion deluxe delve demagogue demanding demeanour demented dementia demilitarize demo demobilize demolish demon demoralize demote den denigrate denim denomination denote density dent dentistry denunciation deodorant dependable dependant dependence dependency deplorable deplore depose deposition depot depreciate depress dept derail deranged derby deregulate derelict deride derivative dermatologist descendant descended descent descriptive desecrate desert island deserving desolate desperation despise destabilize destitute destroyer detach detached detachment detainee detection detector detente detergent determinant deterrence deterrent detest detonate detour detox detract detractor detriment detrimental devastate devastated devastation developmental deviant deviate devious devoid devolution devolve devotee devotion devour devout diabetic diagnostic diagonal diagram dialect diaper diaphragm diarrhoea dice dictatorial dietary dieter differential diffident diffuse digestion digestive digger digit dignified dignitary dilapidated dilate diligent dill dime diminutive din diner dinghy dining table dinner party dinner table diocese diploma dire directly directorate dirty trick disable disadvantaged disaffected disallow disappearance disappoint disapproval disapprove disarm disarmament disarray disband disbelief discern discernible discerning disciple disciplined disconcerting disconnect discontent discontinue discord discourse discrepancy discretionary discriminate discriminatory disdain diseased disenchanted disfigure disgrace disgraced disgraceful disgruntled disgusted disgusting dishonest dishonestly dishwasher dishonesty disillusion disk dislocate dislodge dismal dismember dismissive disorganized disorient disparate disparity dispel dispense dispersed displeasure disposable disposed disposition disproportionate disprove disqualify disquiet disregard disrepute dissect dissatisfied disseminate dissertation dissipate dissuade distaste distil distillery distract distracted distraction distraught District Attorney distrust disused dither diuretic diva diverge diversion diverting diving divinity divisive divulge DIY docile dockland doctorate documentation dodgy dogfish dogged dogma dogmatic doldrums dolly domain domesticate dominion domino donkey doom doorbell doorstep dope dormant dormitory dosage dossier dotted double cream doublespeak double standard doubly doubtless dough doughnut dour douse dove downfall downgrade downhill down payment downplay downpour downright downside downstream down-to-earth downturn down under dowse doze drab draconian dragoon drainage dramatist dramatize drape draper drawback drawing board drawing room drawn drawl drawn-out dreaded dreamer dreamy dreary dredge drench dressing dressing gown dressing room dressing table dressing-up dribble drinker drinking water drive-in driveway driving driving licence drizzle drone droop droplet drop-out droppings droves drowsy drugstore Druid drunken dryer duchess duchy duct dud dude duel duet duff duke duly dumb dummy dune dung dunno duo duplicate dupe dusk dustbin dusty dutiful duty-free duvet dwell dweller dwelling dwindle dyke dynamism dynamite dynamo dynasty E early-warning earmark earner earring earthly earthy easy-going eater eavesdrop ebullient ecclesiastical echelon eclectic eclipse ecology economical ecosystem ecstasy ecstatic eczema edgy edible edict edifice educational Edwardian eerie efficacy effortless ejaculate eject elapse elastic elasticity elated eldest elector electrician electrify electrode electromagnetic elemental elementary elementary school elevator elicit elitist Elizabethan elm eloquent elude elusive emanate emancipate embankment embattled embed embellish embezzlement emblem embodiment embody embroider embroidery emerald emergency services emigrant ¨¦migr¨¦ eminence eminent eminently emirate emir emit emotive empathy emphatic emphatically empirical empower empress emptiness empty-handed emulate emulsion enamel encapsulate encase enchant enchanting encircle enclave enclosure encode encompass encore encroach encyclopedia endear endearing endemic endow end result endurance energize engaging engender engrave engulf enigma enigmatic enjoyment enlighten enlightened enlightenment enlist enliven en masse enrage enrich enrol ensemble enshrine ensign ensue entail entangle entertainer enthral enthuse entice entirety entourage entrance entrant entrench entrepreneurial entrust envelop enviable envious envision EP epilepsy epitome epitomize epoch eponymous equally equate equator equessrian equilibrium equine equitable eradicate erase erection erosion err errand erratic erroneous erstwhile eschew Eskimo esoteric espionage espouse estranged estuary etch eternity ethereal ethnic cleansing ethos etiquette eucalyptus euphemism euphoria euthanasia evacuee evade evangelical evaporate evasion evasive even eventuality evergreen ever more evict evocative evolutionary exacerbate exalt exalted examiner exasperate exasperated excavate exceedingly excel Excellency Exchequer excise exclaim excluding excrete excruciating excursion executor exemplary exemplify exhale exhaustive exhibitor exhilarated exhort exit visa exodus expanse expansive expatriate expectancy expectant expedient expend explanatory exploratory exponent exposed exposition expound expressive extended extended family exterior exterminate extinct extinguish extol extort extra time extravagance extravagant extravaganza extrovert exuberant exude eyeball eye-catching eyelash eyelid eyesight eyewitness F fable fabricate facade faceless facet face value facilitate fact-finding fact of life factual fad faeces failing fairground fairness fair play fairway fairy tale fallacy fallopian tube fallout false start falsify falter family doctor family planning famously fanatic fancier fanciful fan club fancy fanfare fang fantasize fanzine faraway farce Far East farmhouse farmland far off far out far-reaching fart fascinate fascination fasten fast food fastidious fast track fatality fated fateful father-in-law fatherland fathom faultless fauna fawn fearless fearsome feasible feathered featherweight feature film federalism federated feeble feign feisty fell fella fellowship felony feminism fen fencing fend fender fennel ferment fern ferocious ferret fertilize fervent fervour fester festive festivity festoon fete fetish feud feudal feverish ff. fianc¨¦ fianc¨¦e fiasco fickle fictitious fiddle fidelity field marshal fiery fig fig. figurative figurehead filibuster filler fillet filling film-maker film star filth filthy finale finalize financial year finch financier finesse fine art fingernail fingerprint fingertip finite fir firearm fire brigade fireman fireplace firepower firewood firework first aid first ever first floor first hand First Lady firstly first name first night first person first-rate fiscal year fitted fiver fizz flagrant flagship flail flair flak flake flamboyant flamenco flaming flannel flare-up flashback flashlight flashy flask flatten flattered flattering flaunt flaw flawless flea fleck fledgling fleece fleeting Fleet Street Flemish flex flicker flimsy flinch flirt flit flog floodlight floorboard flooring floppy flora floral flotation flout fl.oz. flu fluctuate fluent fluff fluffy fluke fluorescent fluoride flurry flutter flute flux flyer foam foal focal focal point fodder foe foetus foggy folder foliage folklore follicle follow on follow-through folly food poisoning food chain food processor food stamp foodstuff footballing foothills foothold footing footnote footpath footprint footstep footwear forage foray forceful forcible ford fore forearm forefinger forefront foreground foreman foremost forensic forerunner foreseeable foresight forestall forfeit forgery forlorn formality formalize formative formulation forsake forthright fortify fortress fossil fuel founded founder founder member founding father foursome fowl foyer Fr fragrant frail frame of mind franchisee fraternity fraudulent fraught fray freebie freedom fighter free enterprise free kick freelance freestyle freeway free will freezer freezing freighter frenetic frenzy fresco fresh air freshman freshwater fret friar friction frigate fright frightful frill frivolous frog frolic frontal front-runner frost frosty froth frugal fruitful fruition fruitless fruity frying pan fuchsia fudge fugitive fullback full-blown full-length full-page full-scale full-size fully-fledged fumble fume functional fundamentals fungal fungus funk funky funnel furlong furnace furnish furnished furnishings furore furrow furry further education furthest furtive fuse fuselage fusion fussy futile futuristic fuzzy G gadget Gaelic gag gait gala gal gale gall gallant galley Gallic gallop galore galvanize gambler gaming gamma gangster gape garbage garden centre garish garland garner garnish garrison gash gas mask gas station gastric gateway gaudy gaunt gauntlet gazette GCSE gearbox gee geezer gelding gem generalized generalize general public general strike generic gene therapy genetic engineering genial genital genocide genome gent genteel gentry geological geology geometric geometry geranium geriatric germ germinate getaway get-up ghastly ghostly GI giddy gifted gigantic gild gimmick gin ginger gingerly giveaway giver glacial glacier gland glaring glasnost glaze glazed glean glee glide glider glimmer glint glisten glittering gloat glorify gloss glossy glowing glucose glum glut gnaw gnome goad gobble go-between godfather goggle go-go golden age goldfish golf ball golf club golf course gong good-natured goodnight goody gorge gorilla gosh gouge Gothic gourmet governance governess governing graceful gracious gradient graduation graffiti graft Grail grammar school gran granddaughter grandeur grandiose grand jury grandma grandparent Grand Slam grandson grandstand granite granny grant-maintained grapefruit grapevine graph graphite grapple grassland grass roots grassy gratify gratitude gratuitous gravel graveyard gravitation gravy grease greasy greed greenery greenhouse effect greenhouse gas Green Party greeting grenade greyhound grid gridlock grievance grievous grieve grimace gripe grisly grit gritty grocer groin groom grooming groovy grope gross domestic grotesque ground floor grounding ground rule ground work grouping group therapy grouse growl grown grown-up grub grubby grudge grudging gruesome gruelling grumble grumpy grunt guardsman guinea guinea pig guise gullible gully gulp gunfire gunner gunpoint gunshot gurgle guru gush gust gutter gymnasium gymnastics gynaecology H ha habitual haddock haemoglobin haemophilia haemorrhage haggle ha ha haircut hairdresser hairstyle hairy halcyon hale half-brother half-day half-hearted half-price hallmark Halloween hallucination hallway halo hamburger hamlet hamstring handbag handbook handcuff hand grenade handgun handheld handkerchief handler handmade handout handover handshake hands-on handwriting handwritten hangar hanger hangover hang-up haphazard hapless happening happily harassed hardback hard-boiled hard core hard currency hard-hitting hard-pressed hardwood hare hark harmonic harmonious harmonize harness harp harrowing harry hash hassle haste hasten hatchet hat trick haunted haunting havoc hawthorn hay hay fever hazardous haze hazel header heading headlight headlong headmaster headmistress headphones head start head teacher head way heady healer health food heaped heartache heartbeat heartbreak hearten heart failure heartfelt heartland hearth hearty heater heath heather heave heavy-duty heavy-handed heavy industry heavy metal Hebrew heck heckle hectare hectic hedgehog hedgerow heed hefty hegemony helium helm helper hem hemline hemisphere hemp henceforth hepatitis herbaceous herbal herbicide hereditary heresy hermetic hermit hernia heroism herpes herring hesitant hesitation heyday hiccup hideous hiding place hierarchical hifi high-class high Command High Commission High Commissioner high-flyer high ground high heels high lands Highness high-pitched high point high-powered high-profile high-ranking high-rise high technology high-up high water hijack hilarious hillside hilltop hilly hind hinder hindsight hinge hinterland hip-hop hippie hiss hitch hitherto hit list hitter hive HM HMS hoard hoarse hoax hob hobble hoe hog hoist hold-up holidaymaker holistic holler holly holocaust homage home homecoming Home Counties home-grown homely home-made homeopathy home owner homesick homestead hometown homework homicide homogeneous homophobia Hon hone honeymoon honorary honourable hood hooded hoof hooked hooker hooligan hoop hoot hoover horde horizontal horny horoscope horrendous horrid horrific horrifying horseback horseman horse racing horseshoe hose hospice hospitable hospitality hospitalize hostess hostilities hot air hot dog hotelier hotline hotly hot spot hourly house arrest householder housekeeper housekeeping House of Representatives House of Lords Houses of Parliament house-to-house housewife housework housing association housing benefit housing estate housing project HQ hr HRT hub huddle hue huff hulk humane humanism human nature human race human resources humid humidity humiliate humility humorous hump hunch hundredth hunger strike hung up hunk huntsman hurdler hurried hurtle hush hushed husky hustle hydraulic hydrocarbon hymn hygiene hyper hyperactive hypertension hypnosis hypnotic hypocrisy hypothesis hypothetical hysterectomy hysteria hysterical I Ice Age iceberg iced ice hockey icing icing sugar icon icy ID idealism idealistic idealize ideally identifiable identification identity card idiom idol idyllic ignite ignition illegitimate ill-fated ill health illicit illiterate illogical illuminate illuminated illumination illustrious imagery imaginable imaginary imaging imbalance imam imbue imitate imitation immaculate immaterial immature immerse immensely immobile immoral immortal immunize impair impart impartial impasse impassioned impassive impeach impeccable impede impediment impending impenetrable imperative imperfect imperialism impersonal impersonate impetus implacable implant implicate impotent impound impoverish impractical impressionist imprint improbable impromptu improper improvise impulsive impunity inaccessible inaccurate inaction inactive inadequacy inadvertent inaugurate inaugural incapable incarcerate incarnation incendiary incense inception incessant incest incidence incidental incinerate incinerator incisive incite inclination incline inclined inclusive incoherent income support incoming incompatible incompetent incomplete incomprehensible inconceivable inconclusive incongruous inconsistent inconvenience inconvenient incorrect incredulous incriminate incubate incurable incursion indebted indecent indecision indecisive indefinite indemnity indicative indict indifferent indigenous indigestion indignant indignity indigo indiscriminate indispensable indisputable indistinguishable individuality indoors induction indulgent industrial action industrial estate industrialist industrial relations ineffective ineffectual inept inequality inert inertia inescapable inexorable inexpensive inexperience inexplicable inextricable infallible infamous infancy infectious infer inference inferno infertile infest infidelity infiltrate infinity infirmary inflame inflammation inflammatory inflatable inflate inflationary inflexible inflow influx info informant information technology informative informer informed infrared infrequent infringe infuriate infuse infusion ingenious ingenuity ingest ingrained inhale inheritance inhibit inhibited inhibition inhuman initiation injunction injure Inland Revenue in-laws inlet innate inner circle innocently innocuous innovator innuendo innumerable inordinate inquest inquisitive inroads insatiable inscribe inscription insecticide insensitive inseparable inshore insidious insignificant insistent insofar as insolvent insomnia inspectorate inspirational instalment instantaneous instigate instil institutionalize instructive instrumental instrumentation insular insulate insulin insurgency insurrection int. intangible integral intellect intelligentsia intensive care intentional interactive intercept interchange interchangeable interestingly interface interior design interlock interlude Intermediary interminable intermittent intern international relations interpersonal interrogate interspersed interstate intertwine intervening interventionist interviewee interviewer interweave intestine intimacy intolerable intolerant intone intractable intransigent intravenous intrepid intricate intrinsic introductory intrude intruder intrusion intrusive intuition intuitive inundate invader invalid invaluable invasive inventive inventor invert investigative invigorate invincible inviting invoice invoke involuntary inward inwards iodine ion IQ iris Iron Curtain irradiate irrational irreparable irrespective irresponsible irreverent irreversible irrevocable irrigate irritable irritant islander isolate isotope itch itinerary ivy J jab jackpot Jacuzzi jade jaded jagged jangle jargon jasmine jaunty javelin jay jazzy Jeep jeer jelly jeopardize jeopardy jerky jest Jesuit jet lag jettison jetty jeweller jibe jig jigsaw jihad jitters jittery Jnr jog joker jolt jot jostle joyful joyous joyriding jubilant jubilee Judaism judicious judo jug juggle juicy jumble jumbo jumped-up juniper junkie junta jurisdiction juror just justifiable jut K kangaroo karaoke karate karma keel keep-fit kennel kerb kernel kerosene kettle keynote kg. khaki kickback kick-off kick-start kiln kilo kilogram kin kindergarten kindness kingfisher kiosk kite kitsch kitten kiwi knack knead kneel knickers knighthood knitting knob knock-on knockout know-all knowingly knowledgeable knuckle Koran kudos L laborious labourer labour force labour market labyrinth lacklustre lacquer lacy laden lager lagoon laid-back laissez-faire laity lame lament lance landfill landlady landowner landslide lantern languid languish lapel lapse lark larva lass last-ditch lastly latch late-night latent lateral lathe Latino latitude latter-day laud laughable launder laundry laurel lava lavatory lavender law-abiding law-enforcement lawful lawless lax laxative layered layman layoff layout LCD leading article lead singer leafy learned ledge leech leek leer leeway left-handed leftist leftover legal aid legalize leggings legion legislate legislator legitimize leisure centre leisurely lemonade lending rate lengthen lenient lentil leopard lesion lessen lest lethargic lethargy lettuce leukaemia lever levitate liaise liaison liar lib Lib Dem liberalism Liberal party libertarian librarian licensed lichen lick lie-down lie-in lieu life assurance lifeboat life cycle life expectancy life imprisonment life insurance lifeless lifeline lifelong lifesaving life sentence life-threatening lift-off ligament light bulb lighten lighter light-hearted light-house light year likeable likeminded liken likeness liking lilac lily limbo limelight limerick limestone limited edition limitless limousine linden linear linesman linguist linguistics lingerie linkage link-up lion's share lip service liqueur liquidate liquor lira listless litany literacy literal literate little finger livelihood livery livestock living standard lizard lo loaf loathe lob lobe lobster locality local time loch locker locker room locust lodger lodging loft lofty logger logging logistic loin loner long-distance Longevity Long-haul Longing long-suffering loo lookout loony loophole loose end Lordship lore lotion lottery loudspeaker louse lousy lovable love affair love life love story low-key lowly low-paid loyalist LSD Lt. lubricate Lubricant lucid luckily ludicrous lug luggage lukewarm lull lumber luminary luminous lump sum lumpy lunar lunatic luncheon luncheon meat lunge lurch lurid lurk lust luscious lush luxurious Lycra lyrical M ma MA ma¡¯am macabre machine tool machinist macho mackerel macro madam mad cow disease madly madman Madonna madras maestro mag magician magnate magnesium magnet magnetic field magnify magnitude magnolia magpie mahogany maiden mailbox maim mainframe main road mainstay maize Maj. majestic makeshift malaise malaria male-dominated malevolent malfunction malice malicious malign malignant mall malnutrition malpractice malt mam mama mammal mammoth mandarin mandatory mane mangle mango manhood mania maniac manic manicure manifestation manipulative mankind manly man-made mannered manor house manpower manslaughter mantle mantra manure maple margarine marginalize marginally marijuana marigold marina marinade marinate mariner marital maritime marker marketable marketeer marketer market forces marketplace market research marking marksman marmalade maroon manqu¨¦ marquee marquis marrow marsh martial art martial law martyr marvel Marxism mascara mascot masculine mash masked masochism mason masquerade mass media mass-produce mast mastermind mastery masturbate mat matched matching materialism materialize maternal maternity math mathematician maths matrix matron matt matter-of-fact mattress maul mauve maverick maxim maximize mayhem mayonnaise maze MBA MC MD meadow meagre meander meaningless measles measurable mecca medallist mechanize meddle median medicinal medic mediocre mediocrity medium-sized medium-term medley meek meeting place megabyte melancholy mellow melodic melodrama melodramatic melon membrane memento memo memoir memorabilia memorandum memorize menace menacing mend meningitis menopause menstrual menstruate mentality mentor MEP mercantile mercenary merchandise merchandising merchant bank mercifully merciless mercury meringue mermaid mesh mesmerize messenger messiah Messrs messy metabolic metabolism metallic metaphorical metaphysical mete meteor meteorite meteorological methane methodical methodology meticulous metric metric ton Metro metropolis mews mg Mickey Mouse microchip micro-organism microprocessor microscope microscopic midday middle age Middle Ages middleman midsummer midway midweek Midwest midwife might migraine mike mileage milestone milieu military police military service militiaman milky Milky Way millennium millet milligram millimetre mime mimic mince minder mindful mindless minefield mineral water mingle minibus minimalist mink minstrel minute miraculous mirror image miscalculate miscarriage of justice mischief miscellaneous mischievous misconception misconduct misfit misgiving misfortune misguided mishap misinterpret misjudge mislead misplaced misrepresent missionary mister mistrust misty misunderstanding misunderstood misuse mite mitigate mixed up mixer Mk ml moat mobile home mobile phone mockery mod moderation modern-day modernism modernist modesty module mogul moist moisturize mole molecular biology molest molten momentary momentous momma monastery money market money supply mono monologue monopolize monotonous monsoon monstrous monumental moonlight mooring moorland moose moot mop moratorium morbid moribund Mormon morphine mosaic mosquito moss motel moth motherhood mother-in-law motherland motif motionless motion picture motley motorbike motor car motorcycle motoring motto moulding moult mound mountain bike mountainous mountainside mourn mourner mournful mourning mousse moustache mouthful mouthpiece mover mow mower mph MSc Mt. muck mucus muddle muddled muddy muffin muffle mulch mule mull mullet multilateral multimedia multimillionaire multiple sclerosis multitude mumble mummy munch mundane municipality munitions mural murderous murky musical instrument music hall musket mussel mustard muster mutant mutate mutilate mutiny mutual fund muzzle myriad mystic mystical mystify mystique mythology N N.A nab nag nan nap napkin nappy narcotic narrate nasal national anthem national government National Health Service national insurance nationalize national service nation state Native American natural gas natural history naturalist natural resources naughty nausea nautical navel navigate navigation navigator NB necessitate necklace nectar needless needy negate negligent negligible negotiable negotiating table Negro neoclassical neon nephew nervous breakdown nervous system nestle nettle networking neural neuron neurosis neutralize neutron never-ending new Age newborn new-face new found newsagent newscast newsletter newsroom new Testament new town new wave niacin nibble niche nickel nicotine niece nigh nightly night-time nimble nip nipple nitrate nitrogen No. nobility no-confidence nocturnal node nomad nomadic no-man's land non-aligned nonchalant non-existent no-nonsense nonpayment non-proliferation non-smoker non-stick non-stop non-violent non-white noodle nope noose Nordic normalize Norman normative nostalgia nostalgic nostril notch notify notification notoriety notwithstanding nought noun nourish nourishment novelty nozzle nr. nuance nuclear reactor nucleus nude nudge nuisance numb number plate numerical nursery school nursing home nutmeg nutritional nutritious nutritionist nutty nymph nylon O oar oasis oath oatmeal oats obedient obese obligatory obliging oblique obliterate oblivion oblivious obnoxious obscene obscenity observatory obsessive obsolete obstinate obstruct obstruction occidental occult occupancy occupant occupier occurrence oddity oddly odds-on odour odyssey oestrogen off-balance off duty offending offshoot offside offspring off-the-wall oilfield oil slick oil tanker oil well oily ointment old age old girl old guard oldie old lady old man old master old-style Old Testament old-time O level ombudsman omelette omen ominous omission one-man one-piece onerous oneself one-sided one-to-one one-way onlooker on-screen onset onslaught onstage onus onward ooze opaque op. cit. open-air open-door open-ended opener opening night open letter open market open-minded Open University opera house operating system opium opportunist opportunistic opposing opposite number opposite sex oppressive optic optical optics optimistic optimum optional opt-out opulent opus orbital orchard orchestrate ordain orderly ordinance ordinarily ordnance ore organized crime orgasm orgy orient Orient orientation ornament ornate orphan orphanage orthodoxy oscillate ostensible ostentatious ostrich osteoporosis otter outboard outburst outcast outcry outdated outdo outdoors outer space outflow outgoing outgrow outlandish outlay outlive outlying outnumber out-of-date out-of-the-way out of touch out-of-town out of work outpace outpatient outperform outpost outspoken outstretched outstrip outward outwardly outwards outweigh ovary ovation ovarian overall majority overboard overcharge overcoat overcrowded overcrowding overdo overdose overdraft overdue overeat overestimate overflow overgrown overhang overhaul overheads overhear overheat overland overlay overload overly overpower overpowering override overrule overrun overshadow oversight oversize overstate overt overtime overtone overture overvalue overview overweight overwork ovulate own goal ox Oxbridge oxide oxidize oyster ozone layer P pacifist pacify paddle paddock paddy pageant paid-up pained painfully painkiller painless painstaking pairing palatable palate palette pall palpable paltry pamper pamphlet panacea panache pancake pancreas panda pander pane panelled panelling pang panorama panoramic pant pantheon panther pantomime papa papal paperwork parable parachute paradigm paradox paragon paralyse paralysis parameter paramilitary paramount paranoia paranoid paraphernalia parasite paratrooper pare parentage parenthood parenting parity parked parking lot parkland parliamentarian parlour Parmesan parochial parody parole parrot parting partisan partition party line party politics party political passageway passer-by paste pastel pastiche pastime pastor pastoral pasture patchwork patchy pate paternal pathological pathology pathos pathway patio patriarch patriarchal patriarchy patrician patriotism patronage patronize patronizing patter patterned pavilion paw pawn payable payer payoff payout payroll PE Peace Corps peacefully peacekeeper peacetime peacock peanut peanut butter pear peasantry pebble peat peck pedal peddle pedestrian pedestal pedigree pee peek peep peerage pellet pelt pelvic pelvis penal penalize penalty area penchant pendulum penetrating pennant penniless pen pal pent-up penultimate pep peppermint per annum per capita perceptive percussion perfectionist perfumed peril perilous perimeter periodic periodical peripheral periphery perish perk perm permeate permissible pernicious perpetrate perpetual perpetuate persecute persevere persona personal best personalize personify persuasion persuasive pertain pertinent pervade pervasive perverse perversion pervert pessimism pester petal peter petite petrochemical petrol bomb petrol station pew pewter PG pH phantom pharmacist pharmacy PhD pheasant phenomenal pheromone philharmonic phobia phone-in phoney phosphate phosphorus photocopy photon physiology physiotherapist physique pianist piazza pic picket picket line pickle pictorial picturesque piecemeal pier piercing pigeon pigment pike pile-up pilgrimage pillage pillowcase pimp pineapple ping pinkie pinnacle pinpoint pioneering pious pip piper piping pissed piston pitcher pitfall pitiful pivot pivotal pl. placard placate placebo placement placid placings plaice plaid plainly plaintiff plaintive plait plank plaque planning planter plasma plaster plastered plateau plated platinum platoon platter plausible playful playground playgroup playhouse playing field play-off plaza pleading pleasing pleasurable pleat plebiscite plentiful plenum plethora plod plover ploy pluck plum plumage plumb plumber pluming plume plummet plump plunder plunger plural pluralism plush plutonium ply plywood PMS pneumonia poach pocket money pod podium poetic poignant point-blank pointer pointless poisonous poke poker polar polarize Polaroid polemic pole position policewoman policyholder policy-making polio politburo political asylum political correctness political prisoner political science politicize polka pollen polling polling station pollster pollutant polo poly polyester polymer polythene polyunsaturate pomp pompous ponderous poo poodle poorly popcorn poplar poppy populace popularize popularly populate populist populous pop-up porcelain porch pore porn porous porridge posh positively posse possessed possessive postage posterity postgraduate posthumous posting postman post-modern post-modernism post-mortem postulate potassium potency potion pottery pouch poultry pounce pout POW powdered power base powerhouse powerless power line power plant power-sharing practicality pragmatic pragmatism prairie pram prank prawn preacher precarious precedence precinct precious metal precipitate precipitous preclude preconception precocious precondition precursor predator predicament predominant predominate pre-eminent pre-empt preface prefect preferential preheat prehistoric prelude premonition preoccupy prep preparatory preposterous prep school prerequisite prerogative presently present-day preservative pressing press officer press release pressure group pressurized presumption pretence pretender pretension pretentious pretext prevalent preventive pre-war priceless price tag price war prick prickly priestess priesthood primacy primal primate prime rate prime time primrose principally priory prise prisoner of war pristine private enterprise private eye privately private school privy probability probable probation probation officer problematic procedural proclamation procure prod prodigious prodigy production line Prof profess proffer profit-taking profit margin profusion progesterone prognosis progression prohibition prohibitive projector pro-life prolific prologue prolong prom promenade prominence promiscuous promotional prompting promulgate pronounced pronouncement pronunciation proofread propagate propel propeller propensity prophecy prophet prophetic proponent proportional proportional representation proportionate proprietary proprietor propulsion prosaic prospectus prosper prosperous prostate protagonist protector prot¨¦g¨¦ protocol proton protracted protrude proverbial providence providing provocation provocative prowess prowl proximity proxy prudent pry PS psyche psychedelic psycho psychoanalysis psychosis psychotic pt puberty public company publicist public service public works publishing house puddle puff pulp pulpit pulsate pumpkin pun punctual punctuate puncture pundit pungent punishing punitive punt punter pup puppet puppy puree purge purify purport purpose-built purposeful purr push-up pussy putter pyjamas pyramid python Q quadruple quagmire quail quaint quake qualitative quality control qualm quantify quantitative quarantine quark quarry quasar quash quaver quay queer quell questionable question mark questionnaire quicken quid quilt quintessence quip quirk quirky quiver quiz quotation R rabbi rabies racecourse racehorse racer race relations racket radiant radiate radiator radius radon raffle raft rafter ragged railing railroad raincoat rainfall rainforest rainy raisin Raj rake ram Ramadan ramble rambler rambling ramification ramp rampage rampant ramshackle ranch R&B R&D ranger rank and file ransack ransom rant rapids rapist rapper rapport rapprochement rarity rasp raspberry ratification ration rationale rationalize rationing raucous raunchy ravage raven ravine raving razor reaches reactionary reactive readable readership readiness ready-made reaffirm realism realist realistically ream reap reappear rearrange reasoned reasoning reassert reassess reassurance reassured reassuring rebate rebellious rebirth reborn rebound rebuff rebuke recapture recede receivership receptionist receptive receptor recess recharge reciprocal reciprocate recital recite reckless reckoning reclaim recline recognizable recoil reconnaissance reconsider reconstitute reconstruct reconvene recount recoup recourse recreate recrimination rectangle rectify rector recuperate recur recurrence recurrent reddish redecorate redeem redefine redemption redesign redevelopment red-hot redirect rediscover redistribute red light red pepper redraw redress red tape reed reef reek re-enter re-examine ref referral refill refinance refine refined refinement refinery refit reflective reflex reflexology reformation refrain refresh refreshment refrigerate refrigerator refuel refurbish refute regal regatta regenerate regimental registered registrar registry regress regrettable regroup regularity rehearse reigning reimburse reincarnation reinstate reissue reiterate rejoice rejoin rejuvenate rekindle relapse relativity relent relic relinquish relive relocate remake remand remarry remedial remembrance reminisce reminiscence remit remission remittance remix remnant remorse remote control remotely removed rename rendezvous rendition renegade renege renewable renounce renovate rep reparation repeal repel repellent repercussion repertoire repertory repetition repetitive replenish replicate replica repository repossess repossession repress repressive reprieve reprimand reprint reprisal reprise reproach reproduction reproductive reptile repudiate reputable reputed requiem requisite re-run reschedule rescind resemblance resentful reservist reset resettle reshape reshuffle reside residency residue residual resilient resin resolute resolved resonance resonate resounding resourceful respectful respective respiratory respite respondent responsive restart restate restaurateur restrained restrictive resultant resume resurface resurgence resurrect Resurrection resuscitate retailing retainer retake retarded retention rethink reticent retina retiree retrace retract retrain retribution retro retrospect retrospective reunification reunion reunite rev revalue revamp revel reverberate revere reverence revert revisit revitalize revoke revolting revolutionize revolve revolver revue revulsion rewarding rework rewrite rhetorical rheumatoid arthritis rhino rhododendron rhyme rhythmic richly Richter scale riddle riddled ridicule ridiculously rife riff rift rigging right angle righteous rightful right-handed rigour rim rimmed rind ringing rink rinse riot police ripen rip-off ripple riverside rivet RNA roadblock roadshow roadside roam roaring robber robe robot rock and roll rock bottom rocker rock garden rocky rodent rodeo rogue role model role play rolled-up roller-coaster rolling ROM romanticism romp rooftop rookie roost rooted rose rosemary rosette roster rosy rotary rotor roundabout rounded round table round trip roundup rouse rout rowdy rowing Royal Highness royalist rpm rubber stamp rubble ruby ruck rucksack rudder ruddy rudimentary rueful ruffle rugged ruined rule of law rum rumble rumbling rummage rumoured rump runaway rundown rune rung running mate runny runway rupee rupture ruse rush hour rust rustic rustle rusty rut rye S sabotage saboteur sabre sac sacking sadden sadistic safe area safe haven safe sex safety net saffron sag saga sage salaried sales tax salient saliva saloon salsa salty salvo sampler sandal sandstone sane sanguine sanitary sanitation sanity Santa Claus sap sapphire sarcasm sarcastic sardine sardonic sari Satan satin satire satirical saturate saturated saturation saturate saucepan saucer sauna saunter saut¨¦ savannah saviour savour savoury saw Saxon saxophone saying say-so scaffolding scallop scalp scam scandalous scanner scant scapegoat scarcity scarf scarlet scary scathing scattering scavenge scenery scenic scented sceptic scepticism schizophrenia schizophrenic scholarly school board school boy schoolchild schoolgirl schooling school leaver schoolteacher schoolmaster science fiction sci-fi scissors sclerosis scoff scold scone scorch scorching scorn scornful scotch Scotch scour scourge scout Scout scowl scrawl screech screenplay screenwriter screwed up scribble scripture scroll scruffy scrum scrupulous scrutinize scuffle sculpt sculptor scum scupper scurry scuttle seafood seagull seal sea level seam seaman seamless searing seaside seasoned seasoning season ticket seat belt seating seaweed secede secession secessionist secluded secondary school second best second-class second-hand second-rate second thought secretarial secretariat secrete secretive secret police secret service sect sectarian secular security guard sedan sedate sedative sedge sediment seductive seedling seedy seep seethe see-through segregated seismic seizure select committee self-conscious self-contained self-control self-defence self-determination self-employed self-evident self-governing self-help self-image self-imposed self-interest selfless self-pity self-respect self-styled self-sufficient sell-off sell-out semblance semen semi semiconductor seminal Semitic sender senile senior sensational senseless sensibility sensor sensory sensual sensuous sentry sequel serenade serene sermon serpent serum server service industry serving sesame set piece settee setter sever sew sewage sewing sewer sewing machine sex education sex appeal sexism sexist sexual harassment sexual intercourse sh shabby shack shackle shaded shadowy shady shag shaggy shake-up shaky shale shallot shallows sham shaman shamble shameful shameless shampoo shank shanty share index shark sharpen shatter shaver shaving shawl shear sheath sheen sheepish shellfish sheltered shelve sheriff shilling shimmer shin shingle shipbuilding shipyard shire shoal shock wave shoddy shooter shoot-out shop assistant shopkeeper shoplift shopping centre shopping list shopping mall shoreline shortcoming short cut shorten shortfall shorthand shortlist short-lived short-range short-sighted short story shotgun shovel show business showcase showdown show jumping show-off showpiece showroom shrapnel shrewd shriek shrill shrimp shrine shrivel shroud shudder shun shunt shutdown shutter sibling sicken sickening sickle sickly sideline side-on sidestep sidewalk sideways sieve sift sighted sighting sightseeing signatory signify silhouette silicon silicone silky sill silt silver medal silvery simplicity simplify simplistic simulate simulation sincerely singer-songwriter single-handed single-minded single parent singular sinus siphon sire siren sister-in-law sitar sitcom sitting-room sixteenth sixth form sizeable sizzle skein sketchy skew skewer skid skilful skim skinhead skinny skirmish skyline skyscraper slab slack slacken slacks slag slalom slander slang slant slavery slay sleazy sledge sleek sleeper sleeping bag sleeping pill sleepless sleepy slender sling slipper slippery slit slither sliver slog slop sloppy slouch slough slowdown slow motion sludge slug sluggish slum slur sly small print small-scale smartly smelly smirk smog smoked salmon smoky smother smoulder smudge smug snag snail snappy snapshot snare snarl sneaker sneer sneeze snigger snip snipe sniper snippet snob snobbery snooker snore snort snowball snow-white snowy snub snuff snug so-and-so soap opera sob sobering sociable social democratic social life social order social science social work socio-economic socket soda sodden soft drink soggy solace sold out soar system solicit solitary solitude soloist solstice soluble solvent sombre some day someplace sonata songwriter sonic son-in-law sonnet soot sophistication soprano sordid sorely sorrow so-so souffl¨¦ sought-after sortie soulful soundly sound system south-eastern southerner southwestern souvenir soya spa spacecraft space shuttle space station spacious spade spaghetti spanner spar spare part spare time sparing sparkling sparrow sparse spasm spartan spate spatial spawn spear spearhead spec Special Branch special effect speciality specially special needs special offer specialty specification specifics speck spectre speculative speed limit speedy spelling spender spending money spew spiced spicy spiked spiky spinach spinal spindle spin-off spire spirited splatter spleen splendour splinter split second splutter spokesperson sponge sponsored spontaneity spook spooky spool spoonful sporadic spore sports car sportsman sporty spot-on spotter spout sprawl spread out spree sprig spring onion sprinter sprout spruce spurious spurn spurt squabble squadron squalid squalor squander squarely squat squatter squeak squeal squid squint squirm squirrel squirt stabbing staffer staffing stag stagger stagnant stagnate stained glass stainless steel staircase stairway stale stalemate stallion stalwart stamina stammer stamp duty stamped addressed envelope stampede standardize standard of living standby standing standing ovation stand-off standpoint standstill stand-up stanza starboard starch stardom starting point stash statehood stately stately home state of affairs state of mind state-of-the-art state school statewide static stationary stationery statistician stature status quo statute staunch stave stead steadfast stealth steamer steamy steely steeped steeple steeplechase steering steering wheel stench stencil stepfather stepmother stepping stone sterile sterilize steroid stew sticker sticking point stiffen stifle stifling stigma still life stimulant stink stint stipulate stir-fry stirring stockholder stocking stockist stockpile stocky stoke stomp stony stool stoop stoppage storehouse storey stormy storyline storyteller stout stove stow straddle straight away straighten strained strait strangle stranglehold strapped strategist stratosphere stratum streamline streamlined strenuous stressed stressful stretcher strewn stricken strident strife stringent stringer striped stripper stronghold strum strut stub stud studded stuffing stuffy stumbling block stunt sturdy stutter styling stylist stylistic stylized subcommittee subconscious subdue subdued subjective subject matter sublime submerge submission subpoena subscribe subservient subside subsidiarity subsistence substantiate substantive subterranean subtlety subtract subversive subvert subway success story succinct succumb succulent sucker sudden death suede suffice sufficiency suffocate suggestive suicidal suitably suited suitor sulk sullen sulphate sulphur sultan summarize summer time summing-up summons sumo sumptuous sunbathe Sunday school sundry sunflower sunglasses sunken sunrise sunscreen supercomputer superconductor superfluous superimpose superlative supermodel supernatural supernova supersede supersonic superstar superstition superstore superstitious supervisory supplant supple supplementary supremacy surcharge supreme surf surmount surname surpass surreal surrealist surreptitious surrogate survivor susceptibility susceptible suspense suspiciously sustainable swagger swan swarm swastika swathe sweatshirt sweaty sweeping sweet corn sweeten sweetener sweetheart swelling swerve swimsuit swindle swipe swirl swish switchboard swivel swollen swoop syllable syllabus symbolism symbolize symmetrical symmetry sympathize symphony orchestra symposium symptomatic synagogue synchronize synod synonymous synopsis synthesize synthesizer synthetic syringe syrup systemic T ta tab tableau tablecloth table tennis taboo tacit tacky tact tactful tailor-made taint take taker talk show tally tame tamper tampon tandem tangible tango tangy tantalize tantamount tantrum taper tape recorder tapestry tar tarmac tarnish Tarot tart tartan tasteful taster tasty tattered tattoo taunt taut tavern taxable tax break tax evasion tax-free tax relief tax return TB teak teapot tearful technicality technically technocrat teddy tedious tee teem teeter telegram telegraph telephone number telex teller telling telly temperament temperate tempo temporal tempt tenacious tenacity tenancy tenor tenet tendon tentacle tenuous tenure tepid terminology terracotta terrain terrestrial terrier terrorize terse testament test case tester testicle testimonial test match testosterone test pilot test tube tether textbook textured thankful thanksgiving thatch thaw theme park theologian theology theorist theorize therapeutic therein thermal thermometer thicken thicket thinker think-tank thirdly third party thirst thirsty thorn thorny thoroughbred thou thrash threatened three-dimensional three-quarter thrilled thrilling throb throes throng throttle throw-in thrush thud thug thump thumping thunderous thunderstorm thwart thyroid thy thyme tickle tidal tidal wave tied up tier tiger tightrope tights time-consuming timeless time limit timely time out timer time trial time zone timid tinge tingle tinker tinned tint tip-off tiptoe tire tireless tiresome tiring tit titanium titillate title track toad toddler toil tolerable tomb tombstone tome toner tonic toot toothbrush toothpaste top-class topless top-level topping top secret top-up torn tornado torpedo torrent torrential torso tortoise tortuous tot totalitarian tote totem totter touchdown touchline toughen tour operator tout tower block towering town hall toxin track record track suit tract traction tractor trade mark trade-off trade unionist traditionalist traffic jam trafficker traffic light trainee trainer training camp trait traitor trajectory tram tramp trample trance tranquil transatlantic transcend transcribe transfusion transient transistor translucent transmitter transparency transparent transpire transvestite trappings trash traumatize travel agent traverse trawl trawler treacherous treachery treadmill treason treasurer treatise treble tremor trench trendy trespass triad triangle trickle tried trifle trilogy trimming tripod trivia triumphant trivial trolley trooper tropics trot troublesome trough trout troupe trucker trudge truffle trump trundle trust fund trusting trustworthy truthful trying tsar tub tuber tuberculosis tubing tubular tuition tulip tummy tuna tunic turbine turbo turbulent turf turkey turnaround turning turning point turnip turnout turquoise turret turtle tussle tutorial twang tweed twig twilight twinkle twirl twitch two-edged two-piece two-way tycoon typewriter typhoon typify typing tyranny tyrant U ubiquitous ugh ulcer ultimatum ultrasound ultraviolet um. unaffected unambiguous unanimity unannounced unanswered unarmed unashamed unattractive unauthorized unavailable unavoidable unbalanced unbearable unbeatable unborn unbroken uncanny unchallenged uncharacteristic unchecked uncommon uncomplicated uncompromising unconcerned unconfirmed unconstitutional uncontrollable uncontrolled unconventional unconvinced unconvincing undecided undemocratic undeniable underclass undercover undercurrent undercut underdeveloped underdog undergraduate undergrowth underlie underpants underpin underrate underscore under-secretary underside understate understated understatement undertaker undertaking undervalue underwater underwear underworld underwriter undesirable undisclosed undisturbed undisputed undo undress undue undulate unduly unearth unease unemployment unequal unequivocal uneven unexplained unfaithful unfamiliar unfashionable unfavourable unfinished unfit unforeseen unforgetable unfounded unfriendly unfulfilled unfurl unharmed unhealthy unheard of unhelpful unhurt uniformity unilateral unimaginable unimpressed unimportant unintelligible unintentional uninterrupted unionism Union Jack unison unitary unit trust Univ. unjust unjustified unkind unlawful unleaded unlimited unload unlock unlucky unmarked unmarried unmistakable unmoved unnamed unnatural unnerve unnerving unnoticed unobtrusive unorthodox unpack unpaid unparalleled unprepared unproductive unpretentious unprofitable unprotected unpublished unqualified unquestionable unravel unreal unrealistic unreasonable unrelated unrelenting unreliable unresolved unrestricted unruly unsafe unsatisfactory unscathed unscrupulous unseat unsecured unseeded unseen unsettle unsettled unsettling unsightly unskilled unsold unsolved unspeakable unspecified unspoken unstable unstoppable unsuitable unsure unsurprising unsuspecting untenable unthinkable untidy untie unto untold untouchable untouched untreated untrue unused unwarranted unwelcome unwell unwieldy unwind unwise unwitting unworkable unworthy unwrap unwritten up-and-coming upbeat upbringing upcoming up front upheaval uphill upholstered upholstery upkeep upland uplifting upmarket upper class Upper House upper lip uppermost uproar uproot upside down upstage upstart upstream upsurge upstream upsurge uptown upturn urbanization urinary urinate urn usable usage used user-friendly usher usurp utensil uterus utilitarian utmost utopia utopian utterance U-turn V vacancy vacant vacate vaccinate vacuum cleaner vagary vagina vaguely vale valiant validate valium valuables valuation vampire vandal vandalism vanguard vanity vantage point vapour variance variant variegated variously varnish vase vastly vault VCR veal veer veg vegan vegetation vehement veil veiled velocity vendetta vendor veneer venerable venerate vengeance venison venom vent ventilate venture capital verb verify veritable vertebra verve vested interest vestige veterinary vibe vibrant vibrate vicarage vice-chancellor vice versa vicinity vicious circle victorious video recorder vie viewfinder vigil vigilant vigilante vigour Viking vile villain vindicate vindictive viola violet VIP viral virile virtual reality virtuoso virtuous virulent viscount visibility visionary vista vitality vitriol viva vocabulary vocalist vocation vocational vociferous vodka void volcanic volley volleyball volt voltage voluptuous vomit vortex vote of confidence vote of no confidence vowel vulgar vulture W wacky wad wade wafer waffle waft wag wager wail waistcoat waiting list waiting room waitress waive waiver walker walking Walkman walk of life walk-on walkout walk-up walkway wallet wallow walnut waltz wan wand wane wanton warden ware warhead warlord warm-up warp warplane warranty warship wart washer washing washing machine washing-up wasp wasteful wasteland watchdog watchful watchman watercolour watercress watered-down waterfall waterfront waterproof watershed water supply waterway watery watt wavelength waver wayward wean weaponry weasel web weekday weighty weir weld welfare state well-balanced well-defined well done well-dressed well-established well-informed well-meaning well-off well-paid well-to-do westerner wetland whack whaling wheeze whence whereabouts wherein whereupon whichever whiff Whig whim whimper whimsical whine whinge whirl whirlpool whirlwind whisker whiskey white-collar whitewash whittle whizz wholehearted wholemeal wholesaler wholesome whoop whore wicker wide-eyed wide-ranging widowed width wield wiggle wild flower wilful willow willpower wilt wily wimp wince winch windfall windmill windscreen wind-up windy wine bar winged wink winnings wireless wiring wishful thinking wisp wistful witchcraft withdrawn wither withstand wizard wobble wobbly woe woeful wolf womb Woman's Liberation woman's movement wonderland wondrous wooded woodwork woollen woolly wording word processor workable workaholic working capital working group working party workload workman work of art workout workstation world-class world-famous worldly world view worn worn out worse worst worthless would-be wound up wow wrangle wrapped up wrapping wrath wreak wreath wreckage wren wrench wrest wrestle wretched wriggle wring wrinkle writ write-off writhe wrongdoing wrongful wrought iron wry X Xerox Y yachting yachtsman yank Yank Yankee yardstick yarn yawn ye year-long yearly year-round yew yoga yogurt yolk youthful yo-yo yuppie Z zap zeal zealous zebra Zen zest zip zodiac zoology